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Tanzania agribusiness report Q3/2017 includes 5-year forecasts to 2020
- 作者:
- Business Monitor International Ltd
- 年份:
- 2017
- 学科分类:
- F342.54
- 出版地:
- London
- 总页数:
- 76
- 语种:
- English
- 信息来源:
- BMI Research
- 摘要:
- BMi Industry View BMI View: Our forecasts for the Tanzanian agribusiness sector have seen a number of changes since our last quarterly update, with the majority of the revisions coming to the upside - a move which further supports our positive view of the sector in the country. In particular, we point to an upwards revision in our forecasts for both rice and sugar production and a revision upwards in corn consumption. As a result all of our average growth rates across our five-year forecast for the crops we track are now positive, including for com consumption which has risen from an average annual contraction rate of 0.4% in our last update to a positive annual average growth rate of 1.7% this quarter. We continue to see the Tanzanian coffee industry struggling over the medium term, however, but renewed government support for the sector has provided hope that it can recover over the longer term. The com industry, meanwhile, will continue to benefit from solid demand from domestic and export markets, while rising income levels will stimulate rice consumption. The Tanzanian sugar sector will see limited production growth in the next few years, largely due to the fact that Tanzania scores poorly on productivity measures compared to its regional neighbours. In addition, we believe that while sugar prices will be supported across 2017, they are likely to take a move lower over the medium term as, in our view, they already reflect the tight balance between supply and demand in the global sugar market.