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Honduras Jobs Diagnostic
- 作者:
- Michel, Veronica
- 关键词:
- 年份:
- 2020
- 出版地:
- Washington,USA
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- Improving jobs outcomes—especially for poor people—is at the center of Honduras' development agenda. This report shows how jobs are related to persistently high poverty and disappointing growth over the last 20 years and suggests ways to reduce poverty and encourage growth in the future. It is organized in three main sections. The first section, Jobs, growth and poverty, provides an overview of how growth and poverty trends relate to Honduran jobs. The second section focuses on Labor supply challenges, including the growth and quality of labor supply; it analyses demographics, labor force participation rates, education, and training. The third section turns to Private sector growth analyzing factors influencing labor demand in the private sector, discussing the investment climate; distribution of job types (formal and informal) across firms, sectors, and households; and public programs to create better jobs for poor people. The report concludes with a section summarizing Policy recommendations to improve jobs outcomes in Honduras.
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