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China: Draft Measures on Supervision and Management of Food Labeling
- 英文名称:
- China: Draft Measures on Supervision and Management of Food Labeling
- 工作单位:
- FAS Office of Agricultural Affairs, Beijing
- 关键词:
- Trade Policy; Trade Negotiations; World Trade Organization;
- 年份:
- 2019
- 出版地:
- Washington, DC, USA
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- On November 20, 2019, the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) released the draft “Measures on Supervision and Management of Food Labeling” for domestic comment. Comments on the draft measures during the domestic comment period can be sent to SAMR by email to spscszhc@samr.gov.cn, or by regular mail to the Food Production Department, State Administration for Market Regulations, No. 8, San Li He Dong Lu, Xicheng District, Beijing 100820. Both email and regular mail should be labeled “Comments on the ‘Measures on Supervision and Management of Food Labeling (Draft for Comment).’” The deadline for comments is December 20, 2019. SAMR informed FAS-Beijing that the measures will be notified to the WTO following the domestic comment period. This report contains an unofficial translation of the draft Measures.
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