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Behind the Mirror : A Report on the Self-Evaluation Systems of the World Bank Group
- 作者:
- Independent Evaluation Group
- 关键词:
- development effectiveness; World Bank Group; IFC; MIGA; impact evaluation; corporate scorecards; management action record; self-evaluation; accountability; monitoring; results; organizational learning; performance management; Report; Rapport; Informe;
- 年份:
- 2016
- 出版地:
- Washington,USA
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- The World Bank Group's self-evaluation systems have expanded since they started 40 years ago, and compliance with requirements is mostly strong. They systems mesh well with the independent evaluation systems for which they provide information and the systems have been emulated and adapted by other development agencies. However, the self-evaluation systems primarily focus on results reporting and accountability needs and do not provide the information necessary to help the Bank Group transform into a "Solutions Bank" or develop learning to enhance performance as emphasized in its 2013 strategy. Information generated through the systems is not regularly mined for knowledge and learning except by IEG, and its use for project and portfolio performance management can be improved. The systems produce corporate results measures but need to produce value to staff and line management and to the primary beneficiaries of the "Solutions Bank"—client governments, implementing agencies, firms, and beneficiaries and citizens.
- Management Action Record Reform : IEG's Validation Report
- Learning from IDA Experience : Lessons from IEG Evaluations, with a Focus on IDA Special Themes and Development Effectiveness
- Impact evaluation of cash and food transfers for the seasonal emergency safety net in Hajjah and Ibb Governorates, Yemen endline report
- World Bank Support for Open Data 2012-2017
- Impact evaluation of the strengthen PSNP4 institutions and resilience (SPIR) development food security activity (DFSA): Midline report
- Impact Evaluation on Improving Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Demand in Malawi through the Use of Incentives
- A Multicomponent Irrigation Program in Peru : Evaluating the Impact on Farm Households
- The State of Public Service Delivery in Uganda: Report of a baseline survey
- Grow With the Flow : An Independent Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Facilitating Trade 2006-17
- Access to markets for smallholder farmers in Alto Molócue and Molumbo, Mozambique: Baseline report of a survey conducted as part of an impact evaluation of the INOVAGRO II project