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A review of agriculture and health policies in Uganda with implications for the dissemination of biofortified crops
- 作者:
- MichaelJ.Potts; StellaNagujja
- 关键词:
- Science,Technology,andInnovation; Biofortification;
- 年份:
- 2007
- 总页数:
- 84
- 语种:
- English
- 信息来源:
- 国际粮食政策研究所(IFPRI)
- 摘要:
- Micronutrient deficiency is a widespread health problem in the developing world. Most efforts to combat this issue have focused on providing vitamin and mineral supplements to vulnerable population groups and/or fortifying foods through postproduction processing. The outcome of these interventions has not always been successful; particularly as isolated communities are often not reached due to logistical problems or do not regularly consume processed products. Also, supplementation interventions are frequently dependent on external funding and thus their sustainability is questionable.
- Bridging the Delta: 2012 Annual Report
- On the path to better nutrition and health : A4NH 2012 annual report
- Breaking ground: HarvestPlus 2011 annual report
- Regional trends report for the common market for east and southern Africa (COMESA)
- Biosafety of GM crops in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania
- Reaching millions: 2015 annual report
- A4NH 2013 Annual report
- Complying with the Maputo Declaration target: Trends in public agricultural expenditures and implications for pursuit of optimal allocation of public agricultural spending
- Assessment of agricultural research capacities in Ghana: The case of council for scientific and industrial research (CSIR)
- évaluation des problèmes critiques de la recherche et developpement agricole au Bénin: Le cas de l’institut national des recherches agricoles du Bénin (INRAB)