Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Челябинская государственная агроинженерная академия" (RU)
Свечников Пётр Григорьевич (RU),Мотриченко Таисия Антоновна (RU),Лукомский Константин Иванович (RU),Нечаев Павел Сергеевич (RU)
1. A method for treating soil contaminated with radionuclides and heavy metals, comprising cropping contaminated top soil, dropping to the bottom of the furrow and the lowering of its uncontaminated formation, characterized in that the contaminated soil layer are cut tilling body scraper type and is moved to the side, thereby opening unpolluted fertile soil layer which undercut combined working body and raised on the conveyor without the formation of turnover, the soil layer is transported along the arc initially top, and then down, leaving a passage, which is directed the contaminated layer side working body scraper type clipped under the ridge contaminated layer formed by the first working element and with it is moved to the bottom of the furrow, rolled down and close the converging conveyor uncontaminated formation after ground aligned and then rolled down by ustroystva.2 width. Soil processing method according to claim 1, characterized in that the strip of soil, purified lateral scraper working body is subjected to processing bezotvalnoj ploskorezhuschim working organom.3. Soil processing method according to claim 1, characterized in that after laying the contaminated soil to the bottom of the furrow it is distributed uniformly across the width equalizer furrow, the furrow wall is further purified and pruned, thereby completely clearing from radionuclides and heavy metallov.4. An apparatus for carrying out the method, comprising a frame, supporting wheels, the mechanism of attachment to the tractor and working organs, characterized in that the frame is rectangular device, which is fastened on the first side and the working body1. Способ обработки почвы, загрязненной радионуклидами и тяжелыми металлами, включающий подрезание загрязненного верхнего слоя почвы, сбрасывание на дно борозды и заваливание его незагрязненным пластом, отличающийся тем, что загрязненный слой почвы подрезают почвообрабатывающим органом скреперного типа и перемещают в сторону, открывая тем