Method for producing plants with tolerance to abiotic stress, based on the identification and selection of features at the level of DNA methylation in a population of Plants
Claim 1: a method to produce a plant with high efficiency in the use of Energy from a collection of plants of the same species or VarietyCharacterized in that it comprises the following steps: a) providing a population that consists of a Plurality of individual plants; (b) to obtain a sample of Genomic DNA from individual plants of the collection / population in at least a First and a second stage of DevelopmentIn such a way that it is possible to continue the cultivation of individual plants from which the samples have been taken; (c) to determine the methylation Profile of Genomic DNA obtained in at least two stages in the development of each of these individual plants; (d) identify the character Epigenetic u00edsticas each of those individual plants to assess changes in the profile of MEtilaci u00f3n DNA between Said first and said Second Phase; and (e) to identify and select at least one Plant which has a relatively high occurrence of epigenetic characteristics of a High Efficiency in energy use, compared with other plants of this population. TheWhere these epigenetic features are selected from (i) The Gain and / or loss of methylated cytosines, preferably of mcg and / or, IF mchh; and / or (ii) the absence of changes in C, preferably in CG, CHG and CHH / or.Reivindicación 1: Un método para producir una planta con una eficiencia elevada en el uso de la energía a partir de una colección de plantas de la misma especie o variedad, caracterizado porque comprende los siguientes pasos: a) proveer una población que consiste en una pluralidad de plantas individuales; b) obtener una muestra de ADN genómico de las plantas individuales de dicha colección/población en al menos una primera y una segunda etapa del desarrollo, de una manera tal que es posible continuar el cultivo de las plantas individuales de las que se han tomado dichas muestras; c) determinar el perfil de metilación del ADN genómico obtenido en al menos dos etapas del desarrollo de cada una de dichas