This invention provides a healthcare cum optimal illumination device. The inventive device includes at least one frame, at least one light source, and at least one layer of treated filter cover. The light source is disposed in the frame. The light source emits infrared radiation, visible light radiation, and ultraviolet radiation. The visible radiation is used for illumination, and the invisible infrared and ultraviolet radiation is harnessed to improve indoor air quality. The layer of the filter cover is treated with substances of air cleaning properties and encloses the frame. The treated filter cover has at least one opening where air in the frame heated by the infrared radiation flows out from the device and cooler ambient air surrounding the device is drawn through the filter cover into the frame replacing the heated air that has flown out of the device to form air circulation and to perform air purification.【課題】眩しくない照明および空気浄化機能等を有する保健および最適の照明装置を提供する。【解決手段】電気光源(26)と、電気光源(26)を取り付けたシャーシ(20)と、光触媒物質および抗菌性物質により処理された一層または多層の処理済織物濾過カバー(24)に覆われた一つまたは複数のモジューラフレーム(12)と、前記発明装置の頂部に有する空気流出口と、を含み、電気光源(26)は可視光、赤外線および紫外線を放射し、前記可視光は乱反射および眩しくない光で周囲を明るく照らし、前記赤外線は本発明装置の周囲を加熱し、前記発明装置内の熱い空気が上昇して対流を形成し、前記対流は周囲環境の冷たい空気を吸い込んで本発明装置内部の電気光源(26)に進入し、前記発明装置内では熱い空気が上昇して対流を形成し、前記対流は周囲環境の冷たい空気を吸い込んで処理済織物濾過カバー(24)を通って本発明装置に進入する。【選択図】図3a