Exercise is a stressor that is known to in some cases suppress antimicrobial protein levels, particularly secretory immunoglobulin type A (IgA). Athletes in the midst of in-season training often demonstrate low levels of sIgA and supplements may enhance post exercise mucosal immune function. A study was conducted where three treatments were administered (botanical spray, botanical drops, placebo) at the onset of 30 minutes of 80% V02 max cycle ergometer exercise. Secretory IgA and Human Alpha Defensin were quantified in saliva samples 30 minutes and 90 minutes post exercise. Analysis revealed a significant treatment effect at 30 min (p=0.030) with post hoc testing revealing a difference between the botanical spray and placebo (p=0.027), but by 90 minutes there was no differences by treatment (p=0.758). Based upon this study, it appears that a single dose of the tested botanical can provide enhanced mucosal immune capability for a short time post exercise.