Convex reflective surfaces, such as mirror (1) or equivalent radiation deflector, are designed to suit a particular location or type of location, are fixed in place and do not require adjustment, calendar years or shorter than can be selected Throughout the period of operation, solar radiation (2,3) can be directed down to the selected area of interest, with minimal expenditure including fossil fuels, plant growth in the greenhouse or outdoors, and other Useful for human activities.鏡(1)又は等価の放射偏向器などの凸面反射面は、特定の場所又は場所の種類に適するように設計され、適所に固定され、かつ調整を必要とせず、暦年又は選択され得るより短い動作期間を通して、選択した対象領域へと太陽放射(2、3)の向きを下方に向けることができ、化石燃料を含む最小限の支出で、温室内又は野外での植物の成長、及び他の人的活動に有益である。