Handling being easy as the diseased remedy medicine which accompanies the epilepsy wave, the remedy medicine where the side effect is low, at the same time has same effective characteristic is offered. It fluctuates the pH in body fluids on acidic side by controlling carbon dioxide density of inhalation, can lighten the epilepsy wave. It depends on the diseased remedy medicine which accompanies the epilepsy wave which designates carbon dioxide as the active ingredient.てんかん波に伴う疾患治療剤として、取り扱いが容易で副作用が低く、かつ即効性のある治療剤を提供する。吸気の二酸化炭素濃度を制御することにより、体液中のpHを酸性側に変動させ、てんかん波を軽減しうる。二酸化炭素を有効成分とするてんかん波に伴う疾患治療剤による。