FIELD: construction.SUBSTANCE: device comprises an air chamber (1), a tight vessel (3), installed below the level of water surface of a water supply source, an additional tight vessel (8), an air pipeline (4), which connects the chamber (1) with the upper part of the vessel (3), two mixers-batchers, the first (5(I)) of which is installed on the water surface of the power supply source, and the second (5(II)) and the connected end of an injection pipeline (7) are placed in the vessel (3), and supply (6) and lifting (9) pipelines. The first mixer-batcher (5(I)) and the lower part of the vessel (3) are connected with the pipeline (6). The second mixer-batcher (5(II)) and the lower part of the vessel (8) are connected with the pipeline (7). The lower end of the lifting pipeline (9) is introduced into the vessel (8) with installation of the cut above the cut of the pipeline (7). The pipeline (7) is equipped with an upright section (10) placed above the vessel (8). The chamber (1) is a hollow stiff or air-supported (inflated) item with low air permeability. The objective of the invention is hidden watering of decorative plants to due suction of a flow of alternating portions of water and air of low density at night time into a vessel (3) embedded into water or earth, where water and air are separated, spending one part of the air arriving to the vessel (3) for compensation of air leak via a thin shell of the chamber (1), conversion of the other part of air and water accumulated in the vessel (3) at day time into a flow of alternating portions of air and water of higher density, which is supplied into the watering point, and release of unused air portion into atmosphere upon completion of accumulated water drain, and the chamber (1) has the shape that performs the decorative function (statue, inflated figure, decorative stone).EFFECT: expanded field of device application.6 cl, 1 dwgУстройство содержит воздушную камеру (1), герметичный сосуд (3), установленный ниже уровня в