The present invention discloses a porous bio-material and a method of preparation thereof. The method includes the following steps. First, a body is formed by mixing a bio-ceramic powder, a highly water-absorbing natural organic material and a liquid. Then, the body is dried to form a machinable bio-material. The sizes of pores and porosity can be tailored by controlling the extent of drying so that the porous bio-material with acceptable strength can be obtained.本發明提供一種多孔生物材料及其製法。此製法包含以下步驟。首先,利用一種生物陶瓷粉末、一種高鎖水性天然有機材料及一液體形成一混合體。然後,乾燥混合體以得到具可加工性之多孔生物材料。藉由控制乾燥的程度可以控制孔洞的大小及孔隙率,以得到具理想強度的多孔生物材料。S10、S20‧‧‧製法步驟