The device for securing a closed mouth is intended to provide a closed mouth for children and adolescents in cases where they do not provide it themselves. It consists of an upper (1) and lower (4) modified recording orthodontic appliance fitted with suitable fastening means (2) that hold the magnets (3) in the intended position so that a magnetic joint is formed at the proper contact of the upper and lower lips, respectively. in the position of a properly closed mouth.Pripomoček za zagotavljanje drže zaprtih ust je predviden za zagotavljanje drže zaprtih ust otrok in mladostnikov za primere, če tega ne zagotavljajo sami. Sestoji se iz zgornjega (1) in spodnjega (4) modificiranega snemnega ortodontskega aparata, opremljenega z ustreznimi pritrdilnimi sredstvi (2), ki držijo magnete (3) v predvideni legi tako, da se magnetni spoj ustvari ob pravilnem stiku zgornje in spodnje ustnice oziroma v položaju pravilno zaprtih ust.