The dental implant system comprises a dental implant (1) and a supra-structureelement (2). The implant (1) advantageously comprises a rotationallysymmetricalcoronal implant region (1.2) with a cylindrical shape or with the shape of asteeptruncated cone and with an osseo-integratively equipped circumferentialsurface. Thesupra-structure element (2) comprises an apically extending sleeve portion(2.1),which is cap-shaped and which is capable of being placed on the coronalimplantregion (1.2) in a freely selectable rotational position, so that it liesagainst thecircumferential surface of the implant. The edge line (2.3) of the sleeveportion (2.1)and the circumferential surface of the coronal implant region (1.2) formtogether thephysiologically relevant micro gap. The implant (1) is implanted for atransmucosalhealing-in. Following the healing-in, the supra-structure element (2), theedge line(2.3) of which, e.g., corresponds to the course of the natural bone surfacearound theimplant, is placed on to the coronal implant region (1.2), wherein an axiallength ofthe sleeve portion and the rotational position of the supra-structure elementrelativeto the implant are selected in such a manner, that the micro gap extendingaround theimplant comes to lie above the natural bone surface by the biological width(D). Theaxial position and the course of the micro gap are therefore not predeterminedby theimplant (1), but can be adjusted after the healing-in of the implant (I). As aresult,bone regression for adjusting the biological width (D) between the bonesurface andthe micro gap can be avoided without making highest demands of theimplantationaccuracy.