An apparatus for measuring the force profile of muscle cells is disclosed. It includes a piezoelectric transducer and a cell adhesion promoting layer. The cell adhesion promoting layer links the muscle cells and the piezoelectric transducer to construct a cardiac-and-piezoelectric fully coupled structure. The contraction of muscle cells causes the piezoelectric transducer to deform. The characteristic force profile of muscle cells can be converted to an electrical signal by the piezoelectric transducer.本發明係提出一種可量測肌肉細胞施力特性曲線的一種量測裝置,包含一壓電換能器,及一層促進肌肉細胞附著在壓電換能器上的細胞附著促進膜。本發明藉由該細胞附著促進膜將肌肉細胞與壓電換能器結合成一生物機電耦合的結構,藉由肌肉細胞收縮與舒張時所造成的壓電換能器形變,經壓電換能器將肌肉所施加的力量轉換成電子訊號,達到可量測肌肉施力特性曲線之目標。11‧‧‧壓電換能器12‧‧‧細胞附著促進膜13‧‧‧心肌細胞或心肌組織14‧‧‧固定端15‧‧‧自由端