An assembly comprising a packaging device (20) andan intraocular lens injector (10) comprising a body (11)that contains an intraocular lens, said packaging device(20) being for receiving and storing said injector (10)prior to use, said packaging device (20) being made of amaterial that is waterproof, and being filled with astorage solution for maintaining at least the body (11)of said injector (10) and the intraocular lens in totalimmersion throughout the duration of storage, saidpackaging device (20) comprising a substantially rigidcontainer (21, 22) and an opening (25) for enabling saidinjector (10) to be installed and removed, said container(21, 22) including at least one internal shoulder (26,27) co-operating with a portion of the injector (1,0) tocenter and maintain its lens ejector end (14) away fromthe walls of said container (21, 22).