This Chong Zuo Department You Off mono- Seed pottings bottom Chu Shui structures,Qi Zhu, which Yaos Department what potting Pen Body Di Bu Let, Chu Shui District,The centers Shui District what Chu And form a lug boss,Let has the spillway hole of an at least Ge Shang And what The lug bosses,And the excessive Shui Kong Time Will Hui of the high what of water level that Chu is deposited are flowed out by spillway hole,The nearly bottom Office of Yu Pen Body,Let has Yi Ju Complex Number hole Ge From plates,Chu Shui Districts of the Yi District every the lower sections Tu Rang With of top,Let You Complex Number jacks Shang Tong Time Yu Ge From Ban,Jun Cha Group have the hair Fine Guan Strip of a tool hair Fine pipe effects on each jack of what,The lower end Department of each mao of Fine pipes Strip is deeply in the water of lower section Chu water District,And Shang Duan The are extended upwardly in soil,Jin and the flat Time Pouring water of what or rain it rains Time,The water or Yu Shui The Hui Chu of Duo I deposit the Chu Shui District of the bottoms Yu Pen Body,Jin and Yu Ping Time can be sent by the water or the upward Lose of rainwater of The maos of Fine Guan Strip Will Chu Shui District Inner to soil Inner,Yi Gong Give Plant moisture persons,And the bottom position in the portions Will Chu Shui District Let Yu Pen Body Inner,Also Hui does not breed mosquito,As mono- very has a Xin Ying,The Chong of Jin steps property and Ke Gong Should in Productivity industry make.本創作係有關一種盆栽底部儲水結構,其主要係於盆栽之盆體底部設有儲水區,並於儲水區中央形成一凸起部,並於該凸起部上設有至少一個之溢水孔,而於儲存之水位高於溢水孔時將會由溢水孔流出,於盆體近底部處,設有一具複數孔洞之隔離板,以區隔上方之土壤與下方之儲水區,同時於隔離板上設有複數插孔,於每一插孔上均插組有一具毛細管作用之毛細管條,每一毛細管條之下端係深入下方儲水區之水中,而上端則向上延伸至土壤中,進而於平時澆水或雨天下雨時,多餘之水或雨水則會儲存於盆體底部之儲水區,進而於平時可藉由該毛細管條將儲水區內之水或雨水向上輸送至土壤內,以供給植物水份者,且將儲水區設於盆體內部之底部位置,亦不會滋生蚊子,為一甚具新穎性、進步性及可供產業上應用之創作。