FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to veterinary, and can be used in estimation of anesthesiologic aid efficiency in the course of surgery in abdominal region in pigs. For this purpose registration of clinical-behavioral indices during operation at the time of skin cut and abdominal wall cut is performed in points. Correspondence of points is the following: 1 - excitation no "0", slight "1", strong "2", dangerous "3" 2 - type of excitation - anxiety "1", , convulsions "2" 3 - state of cardio-vascular and respiratory system - good "1", satisfactory "2", dangerous "3" 4 - state of pupil constricted "0", dilated "1" 5 - urination and defecation - present "1", absent "0" 6 - salivation - no "0", slight "1", moderate "2", expressed "3", increased "4" 7 - muscle rigidity - no "0", slight "1", expressed "2", tetanus "3" 8 - general reaction - good "1", satisfactory "2", dangerous "3" 9 - pain reaction - no "0", slight "1", usual "2", expressed "3" 10 - state of mucous membranes - pale-pink colour, moderately wet "0", cyanotic, bluish, pale "1" 11 - position of animals body - tense, curled up- "0", immobile, half-conscious- "1", relaxed, uninterested, apathetic- "2" 12 - level of intraoperative sedation - unstable with episodes of wakening "0", stable "1", moderately-deep level "2". After that, the points are summed up, and if sum of the points is 5-12, anesthesia is estimated as efficient, 13-18 points - anesthesia is at the middle level, 19-23 anesthesia is not efficient.EFFECT: method makes it possible to ensure adequate and safe anesthesia due to possibility of timely regulation of anesthetic dose as a result of constant control over clinical-behavioral indices.3 ex, 4 tblИзобретение относится к ветеринарии и может быть использовано при оценке эффективности анестезиологического пособия в ходе оперативных вмешательствах в абдоминальной области у свиней. Для этого осуществляют регистрацию клинико-поведенческих показателей в баллах во время операции при разрезе