The invention relates to a phytotherapeutic product used in dermatology. According to the invention, the product comprises 0.1...12% extract of herba Trifolii, possibly extract of Hippocastani, and 1...2% extract of folium Hederae, extract of radix Bardanae, 0.1...2.5% extract of herba Cyani, and usual conditioning agents for the remainder up to 100%, the percentage being expressed by weight.Invenţia se referă la un produs fitoterapic, utilizat în dermatologie. Produsul conform invenţiei este constituit în procente masice din 0,1...12% extract de, eventual, extract de, respectiv, 1...2% extract de, extract de, 0,1...2,5% extract deşi, în rest, agenţi de condiţionare uzuali.