1. Coulter subsurface Broadcast sowing of seed and fertilizer, comprising a rack, the bottom of which is attached to the sole and ploughshare tukosemyaprovod, characterized in that on the underside is at least one revolving endless belt and tukosemyaprovod, the output coupled to the mixer casing, Broadcast subsoil seed and fertilizer at the same time to the casing of the mixer additionally adjoins at least one air supply pipe into the casing-smesitel.2. Coulter according to claim. 1, in the casing opposing mixer output tukosemyaprvoda divider is the fat and semyan.3. Coulter according to claim. 2, wherein in the facing surface to the air supply pipe divider of mineral fertilizers and seeds are located peregorodki.4 guides. Coulter according to claim. 2, wherein the output of the air pipe is located under the divider and the fat semyan.5. Coulter according to one of the above paragraphs. 1-4, wherein the casing is a tube with a wide slotted apertures arranged along its dliny.6. The opener of claim. 4, wherein the outer outlet openings installed mobile zaslonka.7. Coulter according to any of the above paragraphs. 5 or 6, wherein the housing comprises at least one insert zakruglitelnuyu disposed on the pipe ends kozhuha.8. Coulter according to claim. 1, wherein the sole is made in at least one hole for the wheel to transmit torque to the at least one roller shaft for rotating the endless lenty.9. Coulter according to Claim. 1 in which two opposite sides of the rack adjacent two endless belts between which the soil delitel.10. Coulter according to claim. 8, in which, after an endless belt while moving the opener set zag1. Сошник подпочвенного разбросного посева семян и удобрений, содержащий стойку, к нижней части которой прикреплен лемех с подошвой и тукосемяпровод, отличающийся тем, что на подошве расположена по меньшей мере одна вращающаяся бесконечная лента, а тукосемяпровод, на выходе соединенный с кожухом-смесителем для подпочвенного разбросного посева семян и удоб