1. Ophthalmological apparatus with power supply and with retinal vascularization control system, comprising: a carrier box having curved front and rear arcuate surface curved arcuate surface, the arcuate curved front surface and a rear arcuate curved surface is formed a cavity capable of containing a power source having dimensions in according to the area within the cavity, wherein the energy source is electrically connected to and is able to provide energy minutes mikropezoelektrichesky element with electronic feedback circuit and the controller, wherein the controller comprises a computer processor, performs a digital connection to a digital storage device, and wherein the digital storage device the program code is stored, the transmitter is in logical communication with the processor, and in logical due to a data network, the software runs on demand and allows the processor to: receive data describing at least one identified participation pulsating vessel which forms part of vascularization of the retina affect mikropezoelektrichesky element for supplying an output signal to at least one detected portion pulsating vessel receive data from the electronic feedback circuit that describes the output signal change, filed on at least one detected portion pulsatile vessel visualize at least one detected portion pulsating vessel using data received from the electronic feedback circuit in1. Офтальмологическое устройство с энергообеспечением и с системой контроля васкуляризации сетчатки, содержащее:несущую вставку, содержащую переднюю криволинейную дугообразную поверхность и заднюю криволинейную дугообразную поверхность, причем передняя криволинейная дугообразная поверхность и задняя криволинейная дугообразная поверхность формируют полость, способную содержать источник энергии, имеющий размеры в соответствии с площадью внутри полости, причем источник энергии электрически соединен и способен обеспечивать энергией микропьезоэлектрический элемент с электронной схемой обратной