process of preparation and application of insecticidal compounds obtained from the hydroalcoholic extract of neem leaves (azadirachta indica a. juss) for the elimination of aedes aegypti eggs and larvae
PROCESS OF PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF INSECTICID COMPOUNDS OBTAINED FROM THE HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF DONIM LEAVES (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) FOR THE ELIMINATION OF EGGS AND LARVAE OF Aedes aegypti. "The present invention refers to the preparation and application process obtained from the hydroalcoholic extract of Neem leaves (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) for the elimination of eggs and larvae of Aedes aegypti. The extract was obtained from Neem leaves submitted to the 70% (v / v) The alcohol was eliminated by evaporation, at low pressure, the extract obtained undergoes dilutions in water in the proportion of 10 to 90% to obtain the insecticidal compounds The insecticidal compounds must be applied in the place of infestation of eggs and larvae the Dengue Aedes aegypti mosquito. The insecticidal compound obtained in the proportion of 25% of the extract eliminated 100% of the eggs and 76% of the larvae of Aedes aegypti. The extract resulting from this invention is an insecticide vi easy to handle and that can be commercialized and used in future campaigns to control Aedes aegypti aiming to eliminate the circulating Dengue virus.PROCESSO DE PREPARO E APLICAÇçO DE COMPOSTOS INSETICIDAS OBTIDOS A PARTIR DO EXTRATO HIDROALCOOLICO DAS FOLHAS DONIM (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) PARA ELIMINAÇçO DE OVOS E LARVAS DO Aedes aegypti." A presente invenção refere-se ao processo de preparo e aplicação de compostos inseticidas obtidos a partir do extrato hidroalcoólico das folhas do Nim (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) para eliminação de ovos e larvas do Aedes aegypti. O extrato foi obtido a partir de folhas do Nim submetidas ao processo de extração em etanol a 70% (v/v). O álcool foi eliminado por meio de evaporação, à baixa pressão, o extrato obtido sofre diluições em água na proporção de 10 a 90% para obtenção dos compostos inseticidas. Os compostos inseticidas devem ser aplicados no local de infestação dos ovos e larvas do mosquito da Dengue Aedes aegypti. O composto inseticida