++++sanontoProvided is a beverage composition which contains the following ingredients and has an Na concentration of 20 80 mg/100 mL an osmotic pressure of 100 400 mOsm/kg an Na:grape sugar ratio of 1:(0.1 10) (by mole) and an Na:K ratio of 1:(0.05 1) (by mole) the beverage composition being characterized by containing no designated additives. (1) 1 30% fruit juice (2) 0.01 10% natural sweetener (3) 0.005 0.1% common salt and (4) 0.005 1% natural flavor/body source selected from the group consisting of alga extracts extracts of dried fish for making soup stock mushroom extracts grain extracts tea extracts vegetable extracts fruit extracts herb extracts mesophyll extracts bean extracts nut extracts yeast extracts sap juice squeezed out of sugarcane (brown sugar syrup) and sugars ( sugar brown sugar).