The air of a constant amount is introduced into an air bag (50) for sphygmomanometry, and it is made to close. A CPU (30) pre-measures P-V characteristic. The air bag (50) for sphygmomanometry is wrapped around a part to be measured. Pressure in the air bag (50) for sphygmomanometry is raised and pressure to blood vessels is performed by applying pressure from the outside to the air bag (50) for sphygmomanometry. During this process, the cuff pressure of air bag (50) for the sphygmomanometry caused by the capacity change of the blood vessel due to a variation of the applied pressure from the outside of the air bag (50) for sphygmomanometry and the pressure pulse wave data are detected. The blood pressure is calculated by adding the cuff compliance characteristic obtained by the P-V characteristic which was pre-measured as a correction value of the pressure pulse wave to the detected data.本發明之電子血壓計係將一定量的空氣裝入並閉鎖於血壓測定用空氣袋(50)內,CPU(30)係預先測定P-V特性,接著將血壓測定用空氣袋(50)捲繞於測定部位上,而藉由自外側對血壓測定用空氣袋(50)施加壓力,使血壓測定用空氣袋(50)的內壓上昇,同時進行血管之壓迫。在此過程,使外側對血壓測定用空氣袋(50)施加的壓力變化以檢測依血管之容積變化所產生的血壓測定用空氣袋(50)之腕帶壓與壓力脈波資料。再於既檢測出的資料上加上將經預先測定且依P-V特性獲得之腕帶順從特性作為壓力脈波之補正值,藉此以進行血壓算出。