Process for the production of [tetraoxoethylenediamine tetraacetatedimolibdenum V] bis-(tetraphenylphosphonium)di-hemihydrate compound and process for feeding bees with its use
The invention relates to beekeeping, namely to a process for feeding bees using the [tetraoxoethylenediamine tetraacetatedimolibdenum V] bis-(tetraphenylphosphonium)di-hemihydrate compound and to a process for the production thereof.The process for the production of the compound comprises preparation of the [Mo2O4(H2O)6]2+ complex solution by addition to the Na2Mo4·2H2O hydrazine monohydrate in aqueous HCl solution, then to the [Mo2O4(H2O)6]2+ complex solution is added NaH2EDTA, the mixture is brought to pH 6, heated to 70°C, stirred until the production of a red solution, cooled to room temperature, then is added PPh4Cl and is maintained until the formation of orange needles, which are separated by filtration, washed and dried.The process for feeding bees comprises mixing of the aqueous solution of said compound with the concentration of 1 mg% with sugar syrup in a ratio of 2:100, respectively, and feeding of bees with this mixture in an amount of 100…300 mL per each interval of frames, once every two days, for three weeks.Invenţia se referă la apicultură, şi anume la un procedeu de hrănire a albinelor cu utilizarea compusului [tetraoxoetilendiaminotetraacetatdimolibden V] de bis-(tetrafenilfosfoniu) di-semihidratat, precum şi la un procedeu de obţinere a acestuia.Procedeul de obţinere a compusului include prepararea soluţiei complexului [Mo2O4(H2O)6]2+ prin adăugarea la monohidratul de hidrazină a Na2MoO4·2H2O în soluţie apoasă de HCl, după care la soluţia complexului [Mo2O4(H2O)6]2+ se adaugă Na2H2EDTA, amestecul se aduce până la pH 6, se încălzeşte până la 70°C, se agită până la obţinerea unei soluţii de culoare roşie, se răceşte până la temperatura camerei, apoi se adaugă PPh4Cl şi se menţine până la formarea unor ace oranj, care se separă prin filtrare, se spală şi se usucă.Procedeul de hrănire a albinelor include amestecarea soluţiei apoase a compusului menţionat cu concentraţia de 1 mg% cu sirop de zahăr în raport de 2:100, respectiv, şi hrănirea albinelor c