A frame with an outer lens having a slit that stagnantly sealingly conforms to the user’s face to create a stagnant air barrier that creates air resistance against airborne particles entering the slit, traversing the interior space, and then contacting the user’s eyes. The user can see through the slit even if airborne particles deposited on the outer lens obscure the user’s vision. Alternatively, a frame with an outer lens having slits for a user’s eyes and a protective inner lens having transparent portions has an inlet communicating with the interior space created between the inner and outer lenses. A portable compressed air source introduces compressed air into the interior space to create an air stream that flows outwardly through the slits. The air stream prevents airborne particles from entering through the slits and into the interior space and contacting the inner lens, to maintain transparency. The user can carry the compressed air source and move freely.本發明備置一框架,其備有一外鏡片,該外鏡片具有一狹縫。該框架靜止密封地貼合使用者的臉部,俾以形成一停滯空氣屏障,該屏障阻止空氣中的空氣懸浮粒子進入該狹縫,橫跨該內部空間,然後接觸該使用者的眼睛。即使沉積在該外鏡片上的空氣懸浮粒子模糊該使用者的視線,該使用者可通過該狹縫而看出去。可選擇地,本發明備置一框架,其備有一外鏡片,該外鏡片具有為使用者的眼睛備置的狹縫,以及具有透明部份的一保護內鏡片,該內鏡片具有與形成在該內鏡片及外鏡片之間的內部空間相通的一入口。一可攜式壓縮空氣源注入壓縮空氣至該內部空間中,俾以形成通過該等狹縫向外流動的一空氣流。該空氣流阻止空氣中的空氣懸浮粒子通過該等狹縫進入該內部空間,並接觸該內鏡片,俾以維持其透明度。使用者可攜帶該壓縮空氣源,並自由地移動。20...護目鏡22...框架24...鏡片孔徑26...入口30...外鏡片34...狹縫40...空氣源;泵T...空氣管AS...空氣流