There is disclosed an individual identification system for use in the production of pelts, namely mink pelts, where the furred animals are bred and raised in cages on farms, and subsequently killed and skinned, and where the pelts are stretched and secured on pelt boards (taned), dried, removed from the boards, sorted and bundled according to size and quality, after which they are sold by auction and tanned before being processed into furs on the end-user level. The individual identification system comprises a first electronically readable data media (32) containing identification data for the individual furred animal, for example a mink (7), and information concerning breeding number, which is fastened to the furred animal, and scanning units for reading the data media placed in relevant positions in the production and distribution process, including specially arranged cages for achieving a regular scanning of the data media, a data processing unit (22) which further contains information concerning the family relations of the furred animal, which is connected to the machines in the pelt processing plant, partly for the control of these, and for the registering of the size of the pelt achieved after the taning of the respective pelts, and which can also be connected to other data processing units (94) at relevant auction houses (88) for sorting and identification of incoming pelts by scanning units connected to the data processing units.