The utility model refers to sanitation facilities. The technical result of the utility model is to realize the possibility of repeatedly absorbing the liquid-absorbing sheet of the discharged liquid and minimizing its leakage.The moisture-absorbing sheet is made in the form of a cover of two identical halves, the upper face and the lower lining, the geometry of the surface profile of which is identical to each other. Inside the cover are multi-layer absorbent elements in the form of standard disposable absorbent rectangular medical napkins for the care of bed patients. Absorbent medical diapers are arranged in two rows along the entire length of the cover, the lower row containing at least two diapers, and the upper row - at least one. Diapers are connected to each other both along the joint plane in the row and between the rows, and also from the inside are attached to the front and lining surfaces of the cover by means of a flexible element with an adhesive surface. The face of the cover is made of a material that transmits moisture and moisture-containing biological compounds, for example from a non-woven material of a special texture, and both halves of the cover are interconnected along the perimeter, for example, stitched, using decorative trim in the form of braid or embossed ribbon. 1 z.s. f-ly, 2 ill.Полезная модель относится к средствам санитарно-гигиенического обеспечения. Технический результат полезной модели заключается в осуществлении возможности многократного поглощения влаговпитывающей простынью выделяемой жидкости и сведения к минимуму ее протечки.Влаговпитывающая простынь выполнена в виде чехла из двух одинаковых половинок, верхней лицевой и нижней подкладочной, геометрия профиля поверхности которых идентична друг другу. Внутри чехла находятся многослойные впитывающие элементы в виде стандартных одноразовых впитывающих прямоугольных медицинских пеленок для ухода за лежачими больными. Впитывающие медицинские пеленки расположены двумя рядами по всей