A method of deriving central aortic systolic pressure and a method of analysing arterial waveform data to derive central aortic systolic pressure values
A method of deriving central aortic systolic pressure comprising the steps of: a) creating a set having a predetermined number of blood pressure measurements, the set representative of an arterial waveform; b) determining an integer interval value; c) averaging a series of consecutive blood pressure measurement readings in the set equal to the integer interval value commencing from the fth blood pressure measurement in the set; d) storing the averaged value in a central aortic systolic pressure set; and e) setting the central aortic systolic pressure as the highest value in the central aortic pressure set, where steps c. and d. are repeated with the value of f being incremented by 1 each time until the value of f plus the integer interval value equals the predetermined number of blood pressure measurements in the set.