The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to the grain processing industry and can be used for active ventilation device grain areas with a stop car for discharging it directly into the aeration unit grain bin at receiving points postharvest grain. The technical result is to develop design of a sliding roof for the site of active ventilation and transportation of grain, simple in design and reliable in operation, low energy consumption, which will arrange a site of active aeration of grain without the use of existing facilities, or specially constructed boxes. In terms of investment it is economically advantageous in small cost element. This fact is reflected in the cost price and the treated grain or seeds of other crops. A sliding roof for site aeration grain consists of two identical symmetrically arranged with respect to its axis of symmetry of the wings 7 and 8 formed of three tightly interconnected sections: left 11, middle 12 and right 13 and pivotally mounted on three supporting pillars 10 by means of pins 9 . Each wing 7, 8 in the bottom of the middle section 12 is provided with brackets 14 for attaching the cables 15, 16 and stiffening rod 17. The upper end portion of wing sections 7, 8 is set as a contact device to the longitudinal plasti s 18 on one of the wings 7 and arcuately curved in the form of plate 19 at the other wing 8. Each wing 7, 8 is provided with a counterweight 20 mounted in its lower part, with equilibration opposite from the support portion 10 of the wing 7, 8, and winch comprising of the gear motor 21 and the two drums 22, the wire of one of the wings 7 of the roof is located in the pipe 23 under the air chamber sealingly embedded in its wall. NRM f-ly 3 yl.Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к зерноперерабатывающей отрасли и может быть использована при устройстве площадок активного вентилирования зерна с заездом автомобиля для разгрузки его непосредственно в бункер устройства активного вентилирования