the invention is in the field of food technology, and relates to a vitamin ice cream which he described in the description, in addition to raw materials of the invention added vitamins and minerals, and therefore izdelekkot convenient for people due to the fast pace of life stress, unbalanced nutrition is missing daily required vitamins and minerals to the product may be packaged in a liquid form and subsequently frozen orready as the finished ice creamPredloženi izum posega na področje živilske tehnologije in se nanaša na vitaminski sladoled kiso mu poleg surovin opisanih v opisu izuma dodani še vitamini in ali minerali in je zato izdelekkot tak primeren za ljudi ki jim zaradi neuravnotežene prehrane hitrega tempa življenja stresa manjka dnevno potrebnih vitaminov in mineralov Izdelek je lahko pakiran v tekoči obliki in kasneje zamrznjen ali pa že pripravljen kot končan sladoled