Ерохин Владислав Евстафьевич (RU),Гордиенко Алла Павловна (RU),Рябушко Виталий Иванович (RU)
The device for the restoration of bottom biocenoses relates to mariculture and is intended for the artificial cultivation of mussels, algae to increase the suitability of using water resources for recreational, food, biotechnological purposes, as well as for the restoration of bottom biocenoses in areas of increased anthropogenic pressure. pelagic, anchor system and buoys, in which the pelagic part contains four ropes, the lower parts of which are attached to the bottom, and the upper - to the buoys, about zvedy a number of changes. For example, the bottom part is made in the form of a rectangular coating containing on the surface not in contact with the bottom, a strengthened trawl del, on which mesh sleeves with mussels are placed. In addition, algae seedlings are attached along the entire length of the ropes. In addition, the coating is made of non-woven polymeric materials, and the ropes are attached to the short side of the coating and connected to the buoys in pairs. Finally, net sleeves with mussels are attached parallel to the long side of the coating. The technical result is to create conditions favorable for the growth and reproduction of cultivated organisms; exclusion of direct contact of cultivated organisms with contaminated soil; restoration of damaged or destroyed bottom biocenoses, mainly on silty soils contaminated with hydrocarbons or other toxicants. In addition, the design features of the claimed device can repeatedly remove contaminated products during the period of operation of the device for subsequent disposal and install new uncontaminated hoses with mussels and ropes with algae. 4 s.p. f-ly, 2 ill.Устройство для восстановления донных биоценозов относится к марикультуре и предназначено для искусственного выращивания мидий, водорослей для повышения пригодности использования водных ресурсов в рекреационных, пищевых, биотехнологических целях, а также для восстановления донных биоценозов в зонах повышенной антропогенной нагрузки.В конструкции,