Provided is an effective method or system for shellfish purification. The shellfish purification method, which comprises preparing seawater in a pooling part, said seawater having been purified by ultraviolet light irradiation and containing oxygen gas bubbles, holding the seawater in the pooling tank while being in contact with shellfish, and then guiding out the seawater from the pooling part, is characterized in that the bubbles include ultra microbubbles having a diameter of less than 100 nm and these ultra microbubbles selectively adsorb/desorb viruses etc. accumulated in the shellfish. The shellfish purification system, which comprises purification parts purifying seawater by ultraviolet light, a ultra microbubble generation part generating oxygen gas bubbles having a diameter of less than 100 nm in the seawater and a pooling part connected to the purification parts purifying seawater by ultraviolet light and the ultra microbubble generation part and pooling the seawater, is characterized in that the pooling part holds shellfish therein.提供有效的貝類的淨化方法或淨化系統。 一種貝類的淨化方法,其特徵在於包含:將照射紫外線被潔淨化且含有氧氣的氣泡之海水準備於儲存部;在使該海水接觸貝類的狀態下維持於該儲存部;以及自該儲存部導出該海水,該氣泡包含直徑未滿100nm的超微細氣泡,該超微細氣泡選擇性地吸附去吸附蓄積於貝類的病毒等。一種貝類的淨化系統,其特徵在於包含:潔淨化部,藉由紫外線將海水潔淨化;超微細氣泡生成部,使直徑未滿100nm的氧氣的氣泡產生於海水中;以及儲存部,連接於藉由紫外線將海水潔淨化之潔淨化部與前述超微細氣泡生成部,儲存前述海水,前述儲存部保持貝類。