The milk and especially low temperature using the milk which is sterilized, being the method of producing the blue mold cheese, in the (i) aforementioned milk, the milk the penetrant and the retention liquid (ritenteto) it does the ultrafiltration processing which is separated, also many of cubic measure of aforementioned milk which aforementioned ultrafiltration is processed have the cubic measure of 1/3, in order that the retention liquid which is called the liquefied pre- cheese profit, the fermentation body is inserted into the (ii) aforementioned liquefied pre- cheese, the (iii) rennet is added, the said blend solidifies in order to obtain the cheese, growth of the (iv) blue mold is made possible, in the aforementioned cheese pluralThe perforation which forms the hole or the channel is done, the aforementioned blue mold, the liquefied pre- cheese lump, or, the aforementioned hole which was formed inside the aforementioned cheese or is added to either of the channels.乳、特に低温殺菌した乳を使用して、青カビチーズを製造する方法であって、(i)前記乳に、乳を浸透液と保持液(リテンテート)に分離する限外濾過処理を行い、前記限外濾過処理される前記乳の体積の多くとも1/3の体積を有する「液状プレ・チーズ」と呼ばれる保持液を得、(ii)前記液状プレ・チーズに発酵体を接種し、(iii)レンネットを添加し、該混合物をチーズを得るために凝固させ、(iv)青カビの生育を可能とすべく、前記チーズに複数の孔またはチャネルを形成する穿孔を行い、前記青カビが、液状プレ・チーズ塊、または、前記チーズ内に形成された前記の孔またはチャネルのいずれかに添加される。