FIELD: satisfaction of human vital requirements.SUBSTANCE: stocking with gradient compression, including a stocking section that runs continuously between its distal end and open proximal end. Said stocking section includes a foot portion extending from the distal end and a calf portion extending from the open proximal end. Wherein the size of the foot portion is designed to fit the users foot, and the size of the calf portion is designed to fit at least a portion of the users calf when the article is being put on. Wherein said stocking section is made from stretchable yarn and includes elastomeric threads woven into knitted stretchable yarn. Wherein said calf portion is a gradient area, in which the properties of the stocking gradually change along the length of the gradient area, providing compression that gradually decreases towards the proximal end when the article is being put on. Wherein threads made of elastane are used as threads for knitting stretchable yarn, braided with two layers of polyamide yarn, and as elastomeric threads interwoven into knitted stretchable yarn, latex threads braided with two layers of polyester threads are used.EFFECT: claimed stocking has the ability to stretch in a range of standard sizes from "S" to "XL" and provides distributed compression in accordance with the medical standard.1 cl, 1 dwgЧулочное изделие с градиентной компрессией, включающее чулочную секцию, которая проходит непрерывно между ее дистальным концом и открытым проксимальным концом. Указанная чулочная секция включает стопную часть, проходящую от дистального конца, и голенную часть, проходящую от открытого проксимального конца. При этом размеры стопной части рассчитаны на облегание стопы пользователя, а размеры голенной части рассчитаны на облегание, по меньшей мере, части голени пользователя при надевании изделия. При этом указанная чулочная секция связана из растяжимой пряжи и включает эластомерные нити, вплетенные в вязаную растяжимую пряжу. При этом указанная го