Requirement 1: a method of obtaining in vitro genetic version in a cell or spinal embryo in multiple related chromosome DNA sites, including implanting a cell or spinal embryo into it: the first directed endocrine system, targeting the first site related to chromosome DNA It corresponds to the first sequence of the target site, the second directional endocrine, the target site is the second related chromosome DNA site, the second target point is the second target point, the second target point is the HDR temperate zone corresponding to the second target point,The first sequence in the HDR temperate zone replaces the local chromosome DNA sequence of the first concern, and the second sequence in the HDR temperate zone replaces the local chromosome DNA sequence of the second concern. Primary spinal cells or embryos, including inputs toPolyhedra of cells or embryos point to the existence of different white genes in the HDR temperate zone, which shows the homogeneity with these different white genes. Requirement 17: a spinal chemical embryo for generating host cells and donor cells, including host embryos, which have multiple gene versions at different chromosomal DNA sitesRequirements 27: a chemical vertebrate designed to generate host cells and donor cells, including multiple gene versions of host cells at different chromosomal DNA sites and one integrated donor cell Requirement 31: a large dream vertebrate composed of host cells and donor cells,The host cell includes at least one non cellular version of gametogene gene or sperm gene, supplemented by a donor cell gene, in which the animal consists of the donor cell gene.Reivindicación 1: Un método para obtener ediciones genéticas in vitro en una célula o en un embrión de vertebrados en una pluralidad de sitios de ADN cromosómico de interés que comprende introducir en una célula o en un embrión de vertebrados: una primera endonucleasa direccionada dirigida a un primer sitio de ADN cromosómico de interés y un primer temp