The invention provides a liquid storage trough (14) of a vapor sucker, including a liquid storage flow pathway (68) having one end thereof open to atmosphere while the inner thereof having a fragrance solution stored therein (L) a supplying tube (48) connected to a sucking pathway (4) of the vapor sucker at the other end of the liquid storage flow pathway (68), so as to guide the fragrance solution (L) to the sucking pathway (4) by either the suction pressure or the capillary effect in the sucking pathway (4) and an flow-out valve (26) disposed at a position between the other ends of the liquid storage flow pathway (68) and the supplying tube (48) for allowing only the fragrance solution to flow to the supplying tube (4) through the liquid storage flow pathway (68).本發明之霧氣吸取器用儲液槽(14)具有:儲液流道(68),其一端向大氣敞開並於其內部儲存有香味溶液(L);供給管(48),連接該儲液流道(68)的另一端與霧氣吸取器的吸取路徑(4),並藉由吸取路徑(4)內之吸取壓力及毛細現象之其中一者的作用,將香味溶液(L)導至吸取路徑(4);以及流出閥(26),配置於儲液流道(68)的另一端與供給管(48)之間,其僅允許香味溶液(L)由儲液流道(68)流向供給管(4)。14...儲液槽16...外殼18...閉塞端20...開口端22...端壁24...間隔壁26...流出閥28...螺絲30...內室32...通氣孔34...閥外罩36...閥體38...凸緣40...O型環42...閥室44...球體46...閥彈簧48...供給管49...供給口50...閥座構件52...大徑端54...閥座56...貫通孔58...流入閥60...閥座托座62...端面64...大氣導入槽68...儲液流道70、72...內部通路74...栓塞76...線圈管