Fluid dosage pump Being the fluid dosage pump, pump body (10) with, the pump chamber (20) with, the aforementioned pump chamber (20) the 1st piston which prescribes the fluid by the fact that it slides moves with pause position and drive position (72) at least one and, and, the dosage open part (45) with, to possess among them, the inlet valve (70) to possess the aforementioned pump chamber, the particular inlet valve (70), the fluid container (60) the channel which extends to one (18) from the pump chamber (20) separate, the bypass (74)The aforementioned channel (18) with the aforementioned pump chamber (20) with it is provided between, the aforementioned bypass (74) we are arranged high-level the aforementioned inlet valve (70) as considered, the piston (72) the occasion where there is a drive position, the pump that the aforementioned bypass connects the pump chamber (20) the container (60).< Typical plan >Figure 1流体投与ポンプ流体投与ポンプであって、ポンプ本体(10)と、ポンプチャンバ(20)と、前記ポンプチャンバ(20)の中で休止位置と駆動位置との間をスライド移動することで流体を投与する第1のピストン(72)を少なくとも1つと、そして、投与開口部(45)と、を有し、前記ポンプチャンバは、入り口弁(70)を有し、当該入り口弁(70)は、流体容器(60)の方へ延びるチャネル(18)からポンプチャンバ(20)を隔て、バイパス(74)が前記チャネル(18)と前記ポンプチャンバ(20)との間に設けられ、前記バイパス(74)は前記入り口弁(70)から見て上流に配置されており、ピストン(72)が駆動位置にある際、前記バイパスがポンプチャンバ(20)を容器(60)に接続する、というポンプ。【代表図面】図1