A smart tag with a temperature sensing function is attached to an upper portion of a coffee saucer or an inner side of a holder for a paper cup. The smart tag transmits smart tag data to a smartphone when a mug filled with coffee is placed on the saucer or the coffee is poured in the paper cup. Data communications are performed by Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. Provided is a method for allowing an application of the smartphone, which receives the data, to inform a user of time to drink coffee at a temperature adequate for being taken. An identification code includes a user identification code and a seller identification code. The user identification code is used for recognizing a smartphone of a person who drinks coffee, and the seller identification code is used for recognizing a coffee manufacturer, a coffee franchise, and a coffee seller, and for allowing the application to be only used for a product of a specific seller, thereby helping sales promotion.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016온도센싱기능이 있는 스마트태그를 커피받침대 윗부분 또는 종이컵홀더 안쪽에 부착하고 커피를 담은 머그잔을 받침대위에 놓거나 종이컵에 커피를 담으면 스마트태그는 스마트폰에 스마트태그데이타를 송신한다.데이타통신은 Bluetooth, WiFi 등으로 한다수신한 스마트폰의 앱에서 커피를 마실 식감좋은 온도를 맞추어서 커피 마실 때를 알려주는 방법이며식별코드는 사용자식별코드와 판매자식별코드가 있다사용자식별코드로는 음료자의 스마트폰을 인지하고 판매자식별코드로는 커피제조사, 커피프랜차이즈, 커피판매점을 인식하여 특정판매자의 제품에만 앱사용을 허용하여 판촉활동을 돕는다.