The present invention provides an ultrasonic guidance method of subacromial bursa, which images subacromial bursa easily under ultrasound through specific positioning with patient's another hand appropriately pushing the elbow joint and allow needle insertion through near-end needle insertion from long axis of supraspinatus tendon. Moreover, the bursal fluid can be positional drained by the specific positioning and ultrasonic detector is moved to a sagittal plane around a greater tubercle of humerus for drawing bursal fluid through near-end needle insertion. As a result, in the invention, it is to medially rotate greater tubercle of humerus as possible to prevent lower margin of scapular bone from blocking the imaging of subacromial bursa and to allow SASD bursal fluid pooling near greater tubercle of humerus.一種超音波導引方法,主要以獨特的擺位姿勢再加上病患另一側的手適度的壓著肘關節能讓肩峰下滑囊在超音波下更容易顯影,並且可在棘上肌肌腱長軸下由近端進針;由於獨特的擺位姿勢可姿位引流肩峰下滑囊積液,並且將超音波探頭移至肱骨大結節附近在矢狀面下,由近端將積液抽吸;是以,透過本案的技術手段可達到內旋肱骨大結節,防止肩胛骨遮擋肩峰下滑囊顯影。