1. A system for providing a plurality of magnetic field lines of varying intensity and angular orientation on the surface of a therapeutic device, including: a plurality of magnets, a plurality of rigid arms for arranging a plurality of magnets at predetermined distances from each other, a portion of said arm comprising a first end part, a second end part opposite the specified first end part, the middle part between the first and second end parts for placing the first and second end parts on the front At a predetermined distance from each other, the specified middle part is bent to provide support to the user between each individual magnet, one or more connecting elements mounted with the possibility of attaching to the same element or the paired device for mounting an adjacent part of the shoulder, one or more recesses for placement magnet located on the first and second end parts of the shoulders, each recess for accommodating the magnet has at least one surface holding the magnet, and, at least one magnet orientation element, said magnet orientation element includes a flattened surface on the inside of the recess so that when used in combination with a magnet holding surface, the magnet orientation element properly orientates the magnet in a predetermined angular orientation, characterized in that a plurality of magnets are held in recesses to accommodate a magnet through said holding surfaces that are held in relation to each other1. Система для обеспечения на поверхности применения терапевтического устройства множества магнитных силовых линий различной интенсивности и угловой ориентации, включающая:множество магнитов, имножество жестких плеч для размещения множества магнитов на предварительно заданных расстояниях друг от друга, причем часть указанного плеча содержитпервую конечную часть,вторую конечную часть напротив указанной первой конечной части,среднюю часть между первой и второй конечными частями для размещения первой и второй конечной частей на предварит