E.N. related to a formula; oacute; n. mixture (I) includes (I) at least 50% (by weight) of the total prepared weight; oacute; n. mixture includes (I) at least 50% (by weight) of the total prepared weight; n. mixture includes (I) a compound and an ampere by weight; oacute; n contains LC-PUFA (II) 10-50% (by weight) of the total silicate; lt T;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE RELACIONA CON UNA FORMULACIÓ;N DE MEZCLA (I) QUE COMPRENDE (i) AL MENOS 50% EN PESO (% EN PESO), CON BASE EN EL PESO TOTAL DE LA FORMULACIÓ;N DE MEZCLA, DE UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N QUE CONTIENE LC-PUFA (ii) 10-50% EN PESO, CON BASE EN EL PESO TOTAL DE SILICATO.<;/p>;