1. Chemically modified heparin or heparan sulfate with activity against factor IIa less than 10 IU / mg, activity against factor Xa less than 10 IU / mg, and an average molecular weight (mm) of about 4.6 to 6.9 kDa, containing: (i ) polysaccharide chains essentially free of chemically intact saccharide sequences mediating an anticoagulant effect; and (ii) polysaccharide chains corresponding to a molecular weight of 1.2 to 12 kDa with a predominantly occurring disaccharide of the formula I, where, or, n is an integer from 2 to 20, where the modified heparin or heparan sulfate contains unsaturated glucosamines at the non-reducing ends that are present as signals with an interval from 5.0 to 6.5 cpm in the N-NMR spectrum with an intensity (% ratio) of less than 4% to a signal at 5.42 cpm from native heparin, for use in combination with at least with at least one uterotonic agent for treating slerodovogo haemorrhage (PPH) .2. Chemically modified heparin or heparan sulfate for use according to claim 1, wherein PPH occurs in a woman suffering from uterine atony. 3. Chemically modified heparin or heparan sulfate for use according to claim 1, wherein PPH occurs in women with stimulated labor. Chemically modified heparin or heparan sulfate for use according to claim 1, wherein PPH occurs in women with mild labor. A chemically modified heparin or heparan sulfate for use according to claim 1, wherein the uterotonic agent is selected from the group consisting of oxytocin or an oxytocin analog, ergot alkaloid, prostaglandin or prostaglandin analog. Chemically modified heparin or heparan sulfate for use according to claim 5, where uterotonic1. Химически модифицированный гепарин или гепарансульфат с активностью против фактора IIa менее 10 МЕ/мг, активностью против фактора Ха менее 10 МЕ/мг, и средней молекулярной массой (Мм) примерно от 4,6 до 6,9 кДа, содержащий:(i) полисахаридные цепи, по существу, не содержащие химически интактных сахаридных последовательностей, опосредующих ан