This invention is to claim an endoscopy system applied to endotracheal intubation wherein it can transmit the distant capturing image inside endotracheal tube to the display of the handle. The endoscopy system comprises a long flexible stylet embedded in a micro camera system on the end wherein it is wrapped in the image transmitting cable to connect with the rotatable handle for the display function. The universal endotracheal tube adaptor is implemented to easily adjust the position of the camera lens of endoscopy system wherein it fits different sizes of endotracheal tubes.本發明公開一種用於氣管插管手術的內視鏡系統。本發明具有傳遞呼吸管內末端之視訊,至內視鏡前端顯示器的內視鏡系統。該內視鏡系統具有一可彎折並塑形固定呼吸管之探條,其探條末端內建微型攝影系統。探條內部包覆傳輸影像線材至前端,與可操控多方位旋轉螢幕的握把相接。該內視鏡系統具有可調整探條末端攝影機鏡頭於呼吸管內位置之機構。本發明可適用於不同尺寸之呼吸管使用。1...具萬用型呼吸管調節器的內視鏡系統內視鏡2...可旋轉螢幕握把3...可彎折之影像探條4...呼吸管調節器5...氣管插管之呼吸管