CATALLO, Nadia,CORSO, Cristiano,SCOARUGHI, Gian Luca,DUMONT, Erik
A device (1) for ultrasound tests, comprising one or more transducers (4) for generating ultrasound beams with different powers and/or frequencies to be projected in direction of a plurality of targets (11), guaranteeing the separate control of the temperature both of the targets and of the transducers and it allows performing several tests contemporarily, by optimizing the functionality and the efficiency of the device, at the same time by guaranteeing results comparable therebetween for each test, and to this purpose it comprises: a first supporting structure (3) having at least a closed chamber (7 23) receiving the body of said one or more transducers (4) and it is isolated from a propagation liquid medium, by leaving exposed each respective vibrating surface in contact with said liquid medium at a prefixed distance from the respective targets (11), the closed chamber containing a thermorefrigerating fluid in contact with the body of said one or more transducers a second supporting structure (10) for said targets (11) means for refrigerating, through said thermorefrigerating fluid, the body of said one or more transducers (4) and means for keeping the liquid medium, which dampens said targets (11), at a predetermined temperature.Linvention concerne un dispositif (1) pour des tests par ultrasons, comprenant un ou plusieurs transducteurs (4) pour la production de faisceaux dultrasons à différentes puissances et/ou fréquences destinés à être projetés en direction dune pluralité de cibles (11), garantissant le réglage séparé de la température à la fois des cibles et des transducteurs et permettant deffectuer plusieurs tests en même temps, par optimisation de la fonctionnalité et de lefficacité du dispositif et en même temps garantissant des résultats comparables entre eux pour chaque test, et à cette fin comprenant : une première structure support (3) ayant au moins une chambre fermée (7 23) accueillant le corps dudit ou desdits transducteurs (4) et isolée dun milie