A process for the preparation of acyl glycinates of Formula (I) wherein R1 represents a saturated linear or branched alkanoyl group having 6 to 30 carbon atoms, or represents a group alkenoyl unsaturated once or multiple times, linear or branched, with 6 to 30 carbon atoms, and Q + represents a cation selected from alkali metal cations Na + and K +, wherein reacting glycine with fatty acid chloride R1Cl, having R1 as defined in Formula ( I), and represents an acyl group containing 6 to 30 carbon atoms, performing the proportion of fatty acid chlorides with saturated C8 acyl groups is from 5.0 to 8.0% by weight, the proportion of acid chlorides fatty acyl groups of saturated C10 is 5.0 to 8.0% by weight, the proportion of fatty acid chlorides with C12 acyl groups is from 44.0 to 50.0% by weight, the proportion of chlorides fatty acid aci groups the C14 is 14.0 to 20.0% by weight, the proportion of fatty acid chlorides with acyl groups of C16 is 8.0 to 10.0% by weight, the proportion of fatty acid chlorides with groups saturated C18 acyl is 1.0 - 3.0% by weight, and the proportion of fatty acid chlorides with unsaturated acyl groups of C18 is 4.0 - 10.0% by weight, in each case on the total amount of fatty acid chloride is used within water and in the presence of an alkali metal compound of basic character supplying cations selected from Na + and K + Q +, but in the absence of organic solvents, at 25 - 50 ° C.Un procedimiento para la preparación de acil-glicinatos de la Fórmula (I) en la que R1 representa un grupo alcanoílo saturado, lineal o ramificado, con 6 hasta 30 átomos de carbono, o representa un grupo alquenoílo insaturado una vez o múltiples veces, lineal o ramificado, con 6 hasta 30 átomos de carbono, y Q+ representa un catión seleccionado entre los cationes de metales alcalinos Na+ y K+ , caracterizado porque se hace reaccionar glicina con un cloruro de ácido graso R1Cl, poseyendo R1 el significado indicado en la Fórmula (I), y representando un grupo acilo