The present invention relates to the medical/clinical sector and discloses a method for monitoring gluten ingestion by means of the measurement of gluten proteins/peptides in faeces using antibodies to immunogenic peptides resistant to gastrointestinal digestion. The presence or absence of said immunogenic peptides is monitored by means of immunological assays based on antibodies that react with immunogenic gluten peptides that are proteolysis-resistant. Said assays may be quantitative ELISA techniques, or qualitative assays such as rapid immunochromatographic assays, immunoblots, etc.; These measurements could also be used to verify adherence to a gluten-free diet with a view to enhancing diagnosis in cases of refractory or acute symptoms of coeliac disease in cases where a gluten-free diet is allegedly being complied with, or in the clinical investigation of the effectiveness of prolamine detoxification-related enzyme therapies..