1. An element (3) X-ray imaging system for determining a geometrical parameter of the object (10), soderzhaschiypervy compression element (8a) ivtoroy compression element (8b) wherein the first compression element (8a) and a second compression element (8b) are movable relative to each another wherein the object (10) has the possibility of entering between the first compression element (8a) and the second compression element (8b) wherein the object (10) has the ability to compress between the first compression element (8a) and the second compression element (8b) and, at least one first compression element (8a) and a second compression element (8b) are arranged to change their geometrical shape and / or alignment with respect to the additional compression element of the first compression element (8a) or the second compression element (8b), when the object ( 10) is compressed between the first compression element (8a) and the second compression element (8b) and X-ray radiation (12) can penetrate into the first compression element (8a), the object (10) and the second compression element (8b) wherein at least one of the first compression element (8a) and the second compression element (8b) comprises at least one at least partially impermeable to X-radiation element (24) marking wherein the element (24) marking is adapted to to allow detection of a change corresponding geometrical shape of the compression element (8a, b) .2. Element system according to the preceding claims, wherein the compression element is a flat compression element1. Элемент (3) системы формирования рентгеновского изображения для определения геометрического параметра объекта (10), содержащийпервый компрессионный элемент (8a) ивторой компрессионный элемент (8b)причем первый компрессионный элемент (8a) и второй компрессионный элемент (8b) являются подвижными относительно друг другапричем объект (10) имеет возможность ввода между первым компрессионным элементом (8a) и вторым компрессионным элементом (8b)п