1. Composition for the prevention and / or treatment of dermatosis, which contains chamomile, thyme, laurel, hops, millet, barley malt, brewer's yeast, willow, Greek fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), loosestrife loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria); hibiscus, olive oil, honey, aloe vera, oat bran, chicory, kopalcha (Coutarea latifolia), Stevia, wheat flour, cypress, brewing malt, lanolin, elderberry, goldenrod (Solidago), Hamamelis; common black-headed (Prunella vulgaris) and Hypericum perforatum (Hypericum perforatum). 2. The composition of claim 1 for the prevention and / or treatment of psoriasis. 3. A method of obtaining a composition according to claim 1 for the prevention and / or treatment of dermatosis, characterized in that it includes grinding all components except aloe vera; then all pre-ground components are diluted in water, leaving to boil and go into a liquid state after boiling; and at the same time, on the other hand, aloe vera is directly transferred to a liquid state, and then mixed with pre-boiled and liquid-converted products, and the new mixture is again transferred to a liquid state, leaving it to ferment in an open container before packaging. 4. The use of the composition according to paragraphs. 1 and 2 for the manufacture of a medical product for the treatment of psoriasis by topical application. 5. The use of the composition according to paragraphs. 1 and 2 for the prevention of psoriasis through topical application.1. Композиция для предупреждения и/или лечения дерматоза, которая содержит ромашку, тимьян, лавр, хмель, просо, ячменный солод, пивные дрожжи, иву, пажитник греческий (Trigonella foenum-graecum), вербейник иволистный (Lythrum salicaria); гибискус (Hibiscus), оливковое масло, мед, алоэ вера, овсяные отруби, цикорий, копалчи (Coutarea latifolia), Stevia, пшеничную муку, кипарис, пивоваренный солод, ланолин, бузину, золотарник (Solidago), Hamamelis; черноголовку обыкновенную (Prunella vulgaris) и зверобой продырявленный (Hypericum